Company news
July 2024
HJK Consulting Engineers gets awarded by Primetals Technologies for Commissioning Management of JSL/JVML Steel Melting Shop 350 ton BOF Converter Plant in India.
16 December 2023
Successful 1st Heat of NMDC Steel Melting Shop 2 x 175/180 ton BOF Converter Plant in India.
21 August 2023
Successful 1st Heat of NMDC Steel Melting Shop 2 x 175/180 ton BOF Converter Plant in India.
28 April 2023
March 2023
HJK Consulting Engineers gets awarded by Primetals Technologies for Commissioning Management of JSL Jindal Stainless Ltd. Steel Melting Shop 155 ton AOD Converter Plant in India.
October 2021
HJK Consulting Engineers gets awarded by Primetals Technologies for Commissioning Management of NMDC Ltd. Turn-Key Steel Melting Shop 2 x 175 ton BOF including De-Sulphurization, 2 x 175 ton LF and RH-Degassing Plant and Auxiliary Facilities in India.
August 2021
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a second hand 1,800,000 TPA Mini Mill Complex (incl. HSM) for a non-disclosed client in Middle East.
July 2021
Coal Fired Power Plant commissioning advisory a non-disclosed client in southern Europe.
July 2021
Polypropylene Plant commissioning advisory a non-disclosed client in Far East.
June 2021
Feasibility Study for 180,000 TPA Special Steel Plant for a non-disclosed client in Far East.
May 2021
Design and operational advisory for small sized DRI/HBI Plant (200,000TPA) operation for a non-disclosed client in Middle East.
First Heat taken from Converter Line #03 of SAIL Bhilai SMS-3
11 Dezember 2019
As a result, the Life and Social Counseling division, with a focus on psychosocial counseling and expat counseling (advice on international assignments), officially commences.
Dezember 2019
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a Cold Rolling Mill Complex for a client in Iran.
November 2019
Advice and support for expanding DRI Plant capacity for a customer in Iran.
May 2019
HJK Consulting Engineers GmbH opens the new Business Unit Life and Social Counseling with a focus on psychosocial counseling and expat counseling (advice on overseas assignments) under the leadership of Dagmar Maria Klapf.
Even living in an expatriate marriage for over 30 years, she knows all too well the everyday issues of an expatriate's life.
Based on this life experience and their sound training in psychosocial counseling at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna, we speak to all expatriates who need any kind of support in mastering everyday life.
The consultation is offered online in German and English language, in necessary cases an on-the-spot consultation can be carried out based on fee and reimbursement of expenses.
A separate homepage is under construction, meanwhile you can reach us via contact page.
We are pleased to assist you.
May 2019
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a Cold Rolling Mill Complex for a client in India.
April 2019
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a Cold Rolling Mill Complex for a client in Iran.
First Heat taken from Converter Line #02 of SAIL Bhilai SMS-3
First Heat taken from Converter Line #01 of SAIL Bhilai SMS-3
March 2018
HJK Consulting Engineers Gmbh received the order for advisory services on Feasibility Study and evaluation of Process Turn Key Supplier on a 125 ton VTD Plant from a well reputated Swedish Special Steel Making Company.
May 2017
HJK Consulting Engineers signs a contract with Primetals Technologies for Commissioning Management of Bhilai Steel Plant BOF 3 x 160/180 ton.
March 2017
An Austrian/Australian Investment Company orderes Due Diligence on a Silicon Smelter located in Bosnia-Herzegonvina.
February 2017
HJK Consulting Engineers Gmbh received the order for advisory services on Feasibility Study, development of RFB documentation and evaluation of Process Turn Key Supplier offers on a 125 ton VTD Plant.
An Austrian based, international succesful Engineering Company inthe Recycling Industries is trusting HJK Consulting Engineers for development of international EPC contract and Sales Agency Contract developement.
January 2017
Well reputed European Steelmaking Company ordered manufacturer assessment with HJK Consulting Engineers GmbH.
September 2016
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of an Aluminium Foil Rolling Mill Complex for a client in Iran.
August 2016
HJK Consulting Engineers is announcing its new strategic partnership with:
- University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna in the fields of Energy saving - Energy recovery - Waste to Energy
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of an Aluminium Foil Rolling Mill Complex for a client in Iran.
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a continious PVDF Painting Line for a client in Iran.
July 2016
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a Plate Mill & Hot Strip Mill Complex for a client in Iran.
June 2016
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a Cold Rolling Mill for a client in Iran.
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a Cold Rolling Mill Complex for a client in Bangladesh.
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a Stainless Steel CRM & Bright Bar Plant for a client in India.
May 2016
The owner, Hans-Joerg Klapf is invited by GEPCPA - GESTIÓN DE LA CALIDAD Y PROTECCIÓN AMBIENTAL for holding a presentation at the 2nd Congress of Quality Management and Environmental Protection, which forms an integral part of CUBAINDUSTRIA 2016 (2nd edition of the International Convention and Exhibition Industry of Cuba, 20 to June 24, 2016, Palace of Conventions in Havana, Cuba).
March 2016
HJK Consulting Engineers is announcing its new strategic partnership with:
- SPBEC Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical Company, with it's core business is engineering solutions design, installation, and commissioning, with a specialization in industrial automation and electric power distribution.
February 2016
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a Combined Tempering and Tension Levelling Line as well as Sendzimir Cold Rolling Mill for a client in Middle East.
January 2016
HJK Consulting Engineers and its Mining Consultancy Partner, messrs. DMT Consulting GmbH received the invitation to bid for development of a Feasibility Study of "Integrated Steel Complex with Infrastructure in the central region of Darkhan-Selenge" Project, RFP No. WB/MOF/MINIS/QCBS/CS/1.1.3 (c)/2015.
December 2015
HJK Consulting Engineers signed a technical service contract with Primetals Austria / Saudi VOEST ALPINE for cold & hot commissioning of HADEED Saudi Iron & Steel Company Material Handling & Dedusting System EAF#1 - #3 upgrading project
November 2015
Establishment of Platform Partner, a specialized service Company for successful entry to the Iranian market:
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of an Aluminum Cold Rolling Mill for a client in Middle East.
The owner, Hans-Joerg Klapf successfully passed the examination as approved and judicially certified expert in the fields of:
- Machinery and equipment for the metallurgical industry, mining equipment
- Work organization, operational organization (planning, management, management training)
HJK Consulting Engineers is announcing its new strategic partnership with:
- PJSC NKMZ -Novokramatorsky Mashinostroitelny Zavod, 80 years of NKMZ successful work on the markets of rolling-mill, press-forging, metallurgical, ore-and-mining, handling equipment.
- Vertex-Star d.o.o., Design & Engineering company for the iron and steel industry.
- DesignTEC s.r.o., innovative engineering company in Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in all industry areas.
- Isatron Gmbh & Co. KG, international Fire Fighting engineering company for the iron and steel industry, oil and gas industry, chemical and petrochemical industry, etc.
- Bogensberger Survey company in the field of Geomonitoring, Aerial Survey, Laser Scanning, etc. for the iron and steel industry, oil and gas industry, chemical and petrochemical industry, etc., which is a very special service in view of significant time & cost savings in relocation, modernization and upgrading projects.
October 2015
Advisory & assistance in sourcing, procurement and implementation of a Hot Strip Mill and Plate Mill for a client in Middle East.
September 2015
HJK Consulting Engineers is announcing its new strategic partnership with:
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Carl - Dieter Wuppermann, family member of Wuppermann Steel Making Company, a world-wide recognized expert in development and evaluation of business strategies, markets, technologies, etc. in the iron and steel industry.
- Dr.-Ing. Manfred Mudersbach, a world-wide recognized expert in the design of rolling mills.
July 2015
HJK Consulting Engineers is supporting its client in sales of the following southern Europe based Cold Rolling Mill equipment.

January 2015
Swedish Ovako Bar AB, a subsidiary of Ovako AB, a leading European producer of engineering steel for customers in the bearing, transport and manufacturing industries awarded HJK Consulting Engineers with a long-term frame contract, comprising process & business consulting, operational services & project implementation services.
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Contact Us Today For More Info: +43 664 8872 7465
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